A typical human resource manager should have to understand for a particular company he or she works for should have a clear and defined answer to questions about what must be done, how it must be done, the best person to do it, and how the person can find satisfaction doing it. It is in an attempt to give answers to these questions that the functions of job analysis and design come in. Dissecting a job to give a general description of its component elements can be termed job analysis (Holst and Pancoast, 1921). It can be a detailed and descriptive study and presentation of skills such as knowledge, abilities, skills, and responsibilities relating to the operation of a specific job. It is through this information that one job differentiates from another and determines the success of a worker in performing his or her duties (PPMS, 2018). Okunade (2015) divided job analysis into two subsets as shown below. Figure 1: An illustration showing the branches of job analysis. Source:...